My Documented Life

If you're looking for Michael pictures, you want to go to

7/8/01 2nd Annual Amusement Park Outing has happened. Check out photos and videos.
5/11/01 Seidenbergs join us for my 247th roller coaster - Nitro!
4/9/01 The Crew goes Bulldozin!
Past additions...

Looking for something? You'll probably find it in My Documented Life, or under one of the categories on the left. All of my travel web pages (3 cross-country road trips, various motorcycle journeys, etc), roller coaster photos and videos, pages of friends' activities (Greg, Mark, Skippy and Melissa, Leigh, Bruce, etc) and anything else I thought was worth making a web page for.

Anyone who knows me know that if there's one thing I love to do it is take photographs. I've been lucky enough to be able to combine this hobby with most of my other interests, and this is what this website is about.  If you have any comments about what you see here, please drop me a line.

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