Ready to ride my 200th
roller coaster

Up the lift hill we go

Rounding the station curve

The awesome 1st drop
on Leap The Dips

Thrilling POV shot
on Leap The Dips

The restored dips

Very nice car

Kiddie coaster...of Death!

Didn't this guy watch
the Rescue 911 segment
about this very coaster?

Nice theming for a
traditional park

My friend Joe on the
Mad Mouse

My friend Mike on the
Mad Mouse

The Skyliner's lift hill and
sign. There's a baseball
stadium behind this coaster
now. The Altoona Curves.

First drop on
the Skyliner

That's a lot of wood

The back seat is quite
the ejector seat on the
first drop

A rare classic, the
toboggan. I remember
riding one of these back
in Adventureland on Long
Island when I was a kid.

1st drop POV on the

2nd drop POV

Joe again, this time
experiencing the back
seat of the Skyliner

Joe in the front seat

1st drop on the Skyliner

The back side of
the Skyliner

Plans for Leap The Dips

Leap The Dips' lift
hill before restoration